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Silvia ProvantiniClick here for artist's storybook portfolio
Silvia Provantini was born in Venice in 1970, but lives and works in Milan. After graduating from the Institute of Applied Arts at Castello Sforzesco, she worked for a year in animation and set design studios. However she quickly realized that her future is really in children's publishing, a field that envelopes her creative attention. Since 1993, she has been working with major Italian and foreign publishers, but above all with her own young readers, from whom she always tries to learn as much as possible whenever they give her the opportunity.

See more of Silvia's art: Rapunzello by Maria Dadouch (Al Yasmine Books). La Scia di Elise by Chiara Sorrentino (Sassi Junior). Il Natale di Mamma Orsa by Chiara Sorrentino (La Coccinella). Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie by Lewis Carroll (DeAgostini). Cappuccetto Rosso (De Agostini). Anna dai Capelli Rossi by Lucy Maud Montgomery (Mondadori). Le Grandi Fiabe Classiche (Gribaudo). Fiabe sotto la neve by Lodovica Cima (Ape Junior). I Supereroi non bevono Brodo by Francesca Marchegiano (Paoline Editoriale Libri). The Foolish Hare and The Mango Tree by Narinder Dhami (Oxford University Press). Principi, Principesse e strani incantesimi by Paola Valente (Raffaello). Il Puzzle dell’Italia, Il Puzzle dell’Europa (Gribaudo). Piccoli cuochi 1&2 by Sara Agostini (Gribaudo).

See more of Silvia's art:

Silvia's personal website
Childrens Illustrators

Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini
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Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini
Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini
Silvia Provantini Silvia Provantini
T 212 689.7830
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