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Sonia PossentiniClick here for artist's young adult portfolio Click here for artist's black and white portfolio Click here for artist's storybook portfolio
Sonia Maria Luce Possentini is an award-winning illustrator who was born in Canossa, Reggio Emilia,Italy. Growing up, her parents encouraged her to explore the arts and as a family support all types of freedom of expressions. Sonia studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna with a degree in Art History and became a painter and illustrator. She is currently a professor of illustration at the International School of Comics in Reggio Emilia, Italia. She is a huge fan of Léon Spilliaert, the Belgian painter. She sometimes imagines herself meeting Spilliaert on the beach of Treport, where they talk about the tides and the amazing light that they can capture while painting together. When not illustrating, Sonia loves to spend time in the kitchen cooking and exploring new ingredients. She also enjoys her garden, pruning her peonies and roses. When she can, she enjoys traveling to Brittany and Normandy in Northern France for the lovely beaches where her dogs Mia and Nina (2 abandoned puppies) can really run and chase each other. Sonia adores her dogs and rarely parts with them. Her inspiration comes from nature and the noble creatures who she meets in her travels. She loves to observe all living things and give voices to the ones who does not have the power of speech.

Below are some of her most recent projects, Per mille camicette al giorno by Serena Ballista (Orecchio Acerbo), The Thing to Remember about Stargazing by Matt Forrest Esenwine (Tilbury House), Pauraaaaa! by Francesco Niccolini (Carthusia), The Gift of Being Different by Monica Berg (Spiritually Hungry Publishing), Comunque spero by Lesja Ukrainka (Carthusia), Lion Lights: My Invention That Made Peace with Lions by Richard Turere & Shelly Pollock (Tilbury House Publishers), Night Creatures: Animals That Swoop, Crawl, and Creep while You Sleep by Rebecca E. Hirsch (Millbrook Press), Hold On to Your Music: The Inspiring True Story of the Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek & Lee Cohen (Little, Brown Books), Il piccolo Aron e il signore del bosco by Francesco Niccolini (Carthusia), Non dubitare dei sogni by Akiko Yosano (Carthusia), Il mio cane è come me by Letizia Iannaccone (Terre di Mezzo), Gli zoccoli delle castagne by Barbara Ferraro (Read Red Road), Fiori di neve (Interlinea), Chouchou e la luna by Elisabetta Garilli (Carthusia), Due parole by Alfonsina Storni (Carthusia), La femme à sa fenêtre (Bruno Doucey), El vuelo de Sara by Lorenza Farina (Obelisco), Il paese delle balene by Janna Carioli (Corsiero Editore), L'alfabeto dei sentimenti by Janna Carioli (Fatatrac).

See more of Sonia's art:

Childrens Illustrators

Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini
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Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini
Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini
Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini
Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini Sonia Possentini
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